Trainee Report

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S. NO. Enrollment Number Trainee Name Trade Session Type Of Selection Mode Of Selection Name of particular company Date Of Employment Details Of Self Employment Average Monthly Income
4341 R180808045213 HITESH GURJAR Electrician Employed Off Campus Others 01/12/2019 8000
4342 170808008056 HITESH BHOI Wireman Employed Campus Time Others 11/12/2018 18000
4343 R160808012707 HITESH Mechanic (Refrigeration And Air-Conditioner) 2018 Employed Campus Time Others 24/07/2018 8000
4344 13AP0010040115 HITENDRA CHAUHAN Fitter 2015 Employed Campus Time HERO MOTOCORP LIMITED 23/01/2017 11900
4345 R150808271365 HIRA LAL Turner 2017 Employed Campus Time TATA MOTRS 22/05/2018 18000
4346 14AG00670160208 HIMMATA RAM MEENA Electrician 2016 Employed Off Campus Others 01/07/2017 20700
4347 R180808051484 HIMMAT SINGH RAWAT Fitter Employed Off Campus Maruti Suzuki Pvt limited 30/05/2021 21000
4348 00140808056915 HIMMAT SINGH RANAWAT Mechanic Diesel 2015 Apprentice Campus Time Honda company limited tapukara 29/05/2019 16900
4349 12AG1100460221 HIMMAT SINGH RANAWAT Mechanic Diesel 2015 Apprentice Campus Time Honda company limited tapukara 29/05/2019 16900
4350 12AG0230160117 HIMMAT SINGH PANWAR Electrician 2014 Employed Campus Time GOVT. JOB 24/11/2016 20000
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